We just improved the article validation process over at Spin Distribute – our in-house article distribution system.

We know how annoying it is to apply a bunch of the {first option|second option} spinning syntax to your articles, and get the “faulty syntax” error that’s caused by a missing “{” or “}” character. In this case it’s usually incredibly difficult to locate the error and fix your spinning syntax.

With this in mind we decided to help you out. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Say you’re working with this text: “However, before {going | rushing} to the nearest hardware store and buying a sprayer …”

You just so happen to forget the closing “}” character, so you’re left with “However, before {going | rushing to the nearest hardware store and buying a sprayer …”

From now on, Spin Distribute’s validation system will provide additional information that should help you resolve your problem really quickly:

“There seems to be something wrong with the number of brackets.

There’s probably a ] character missing shortly after:
ยป…However, before [going | rushing to the nearest hardware st…ยซ

Please, check your spinning syntax once again.”

This should make your day-to-day spinning even easier! ๐Ÿ˜€